Sunday, August 24, 2008

Science vs. medicine: White blood cell transfusions to treat cancer

Cancer research maverick Zheng Cui catching some flak for not really caring about the mechanism:

Ninety percent of medical progress is made by the empirical approach rather than rational design [Word]... in empirical approach, you simply make observations and learn from nature: what happens, how you can take advantage, and then simply copy that.

You can extract them [different white blood cells from cancer-resistant mice] as a therapeutic agent and give them to another mouse. It’s a therapy. It’s much better than to find the gene. If you find the gene, then you have to understand the mechanism, and you have to find a way to put the gene into the cell, into all the cells you want to, and that would not work very easily. The technology as we speak right now is not really mature for that area.

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